What are AI Agents and Agentic Workflows?

by Gonzalo Ybáñez, Co-Founder / CEO

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way businesses operate, and at the heart of this transformation are AI agents and agentic workflows. But what exactly are AI agents, and how do agentic workflows differ from traditional AI interactions like those with Chat GPT?

What Are AI Agents?

AI agents are autonomous software designed to perform tasks on behalf of humans. These agents use AI to make decisions, learn from their interactions, and execute actions without needing constant human intervention. Unlike traditional AI systems that require direct supervision for each task, AI agents are built to operate independently.

Key Features of AI Agents

  1. Autonomy: AI agents can perform tasks without human supervision, making decisions based on predefined goals and learned experiences.
  2. Learning Capability: They use machine learning algorithms to improve their performance over time by learning from data and past interactions.
  3. Interactivity: AI agents can interact with other systems, tools, and even other AI agents to complete tasks efficiently.

What Are Agentic Workflows?

Agentic workflows refer to systems and processes where AI agents play a critical role. These workflows are designed to integrate seamlessly with AI capabilities, enhancing both the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. In an agentic workflow, AI agents are involved in a dynamic, iterative, and self-reflective process, allowing them to handle complex tasks that would typically require human intervention.

Structure of Agentic Workflows

  1. Data Integration: Agentic workflows begin with the integration of data from various sources. AI agents process and analyze this data to extract useful insights.
  2. Decision Points: AI agents are integrated at crucial decision points within workflows to control the correct execution of the flow, automating complex decisions.
  3. Feedback Mechanisms: Continuous feedback allows AI agents to learn from the outcomes of their actions, adapting to new information and improving performance over time.

How Do Agentic Workflows Differ from Traditional LLM Chats Like Chat GPT?

While both AI agents and chat based applications like Chat GPT leverage advanced AI technologies, they serve different purposes and operate differently.

Autonomy vs. Interaction

  • AI Agents: Designed for autonomy, AI agents can initiate actions and make decisions independently. They are capable of handling multi-step tasks and can operate continuously without needing constant human input.
  • LLM Chats (e.g., Chat GPT): These models are interaction-based. They generate responses based on user inputs and require continuous interaction to function effectively. They excel in generating human-like text but do not possess the autonomy to perform tasks independently.

Workflow Integration

  • AI Agents: Integrated into business processes, AI agents can manage entire workflows, from data collection to decision-making and execution. They can collaborate with other AI agents and systems to optimize operations.
  • LLM Chats: Primarily used for generating text-based responses, LLM chats are not typically integrated into workflows. They assist with specific tasks like answering questions or generating content but do not manage entire processes.

Learning and Adaptation

  • AI Agents: Continuously learn from their environment and interactions, improving their performance over time. They can adapt to new information and changing conditions, making them suitable for dynamic business environments.
  • LLM Chats: While they can generate diverse and contextually relevant responses, LLM chats do not learn from individual interactions. They rely on pre-trained data and do not adapt based on user interactions in real-time.

Benefits of AI Agents in Business

The integration of AI agents into business systems offers several advantages:

  1. Increased Efficiency: By automating routine tasks, AI agents free up human employees to focus on more strategic activities, boosting overall productivity.
  2. Enhanced Decision-Making: AI agents provide data-driven insights, enabling faster and more accurate decisions.
  3. Scalability: AI agents can handle increasing workloads and integrate new functionalities as business needs evolve.
  4. Cost Reduction: Automation of tasks leads to significant cost savings by reducing errors and optimizing resource usage.


AI agents and agentic workflows represent a significant leap forward in the realm of AI and automation. By understanding and leveraging these technologies, businesses can enhance their operational efficiency, make better decisions, and adapt more quickly to market changes. As AI technology continues to evolve, the potential for AI agents to transform business processes grows, making them a crucial asset for future-ready organizations.

Are you ready to transform your business with AI workflows? Explore the possibilities with Coherent.cat and see how we can help you automate and optimize your operations.

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