About - Here to help you bring your AI game to the next level

We’re on a mission to help teams make the most out of AI. Built for simplicity, our solutions enable teams to implement, optimize, and scale AI solutions effortlessly.


Founded in Barcelona in 2024 by Gabriel Gavilán & Gonzalo Ybáñez, two Spanish entrepreneurs with years of experience in high-level software development and startup building.

  • Gonzalo Ybáñez

    Co-Founder / CEO

  • Gabriel Gavilán

    Co-Founder / CTO

What drives us - Enabling teams to harness the power of artificial intelligence.

  • Empowerment. We believe that, with the right tools, any business can scale and compete on a grand stage.
  • Innovation. Our solutions are crafted by blending our expertise with your invaluable feedback, ensuring practical and effective results.
  • Accessibility. We aim to democratize AI, making it accessible and beneficial for businesses of all sizes and industries.

Get AI working your way

Schedule a call with us to find out how we can help you.